Monday, January 16, 2012

Commonly used OPERATIONS in PAYROLL Configuration

*This covers all the remaining entries not already specified. If you leave the line blank for the operation then the WT is dropped. Remember you always have to have an option for * in your PCR.
ADDCUCumulates the wage type into the relevant cumulation (/101...) and valuation(/201...) wage types
ADDNA *From the IT, Number and Amt are cumulated into the OT. Blank is OT whilst E refers to the RT.
ADDNA 4067Current Num and Amt are added in to wage type 4067.
ADDWSE9N03This operation is very similar to ADDWT. The only difference is that it writes the value to table V0 as well
ADDWSI*Store the current wage type in the IT.
ADDWT *Store wage type in IT/OT
ADDWT 1103All the current values for amt, num and rte are added to the values that are currently held in wt 1103
ADDWT&TAdds the current wage type to the variable table as T - which can be used at a later stage
ADDWTA*The values in the wage type are copied to the previous employer table VAG - called in the rules XDPI, XDPR & XDPT
ADDWTC*The values in the current wage type are added into the CRT
ADDWTC/101The values in the current wage type are added into the CRT for the technical wage type /101
ADDWTD*The values in the current wage type are added into the Difference table DT
ADDWTD/551The values in the current wage type are added into the difference table DT for the technical wage type /551
ADDWTD/APOAdd the current wage type to the difference table (DT)
ADDWTEStore amount in Results Table (RT) - difference with line below
ADDWTE*Add the current wage type to the results table RT
ADDWTE/101Add the current wage type to the results table as /101
ADDWTH/201Add the current wage type to the old results table (ORT) as wage type /201
ADDWTI*Add the current wage type to the input table IT
ADDWTI/101The values in the current wage type are added into the input table IT for the technical wage type /101
ADDWTL*Add the current wage type to the results table last payroll (LRT)
ADDWTWAdd the current wage type to the wage maintenance table
AMT- 9023Subtract amount field from wage type 9023 from Table IT (if wage type 9023 is available.)
AMT%33.33Multiply the amount by 33.33%
AMT%KSAPROMultiply the amount by the value SAPRO held in table T511k
AMT-& TAmount minus the value held in variable T
AMT*-1Amount multiplied by negative 1
AMT*12Multiply amount by 12
AMT*KGENAUMultiply the amount by the constant GENAU held in table T511k. GENAU is used to factor up by 4 or 5 factors of 10 to avoid the issue of errors caused by rounding.
AMT-.04Subtract 0.4 from the amount field
AMT/2Divide the amount by 2
AMT/KGENAUDivide the amount by the factor GENAU held in the constants table T511k
AMT/KPKWPRAmount divided by the constant PKWRP held in table T511K
AMT/KZF001Amount is divided by constant ZF001 from table T511K
AMT? *Compare the value held in the amount field for all wage types
AMT? /GPYCompare the value held in the amount field for wage type /GPY
AMT?& ZAPRCompare the value held in the amount field against the constant ZAPR
AMT?0Compare the value held in the amount field against 0
AMT?E /167Compare the amount against the value of the amount held in the results table RT for wage type /167
AMT?IGRUEBCompare the current amount against the limit held for the bank transfer
AMT+ /564Add the amount from wage type /564 from the IT
AMT+ 0001Add amount field from wage type 0001 from Table IT (if wage type 0001 is available.)
AMT+ 9013Add amount field from wage type 9013 from Table IT (if wage type 9013 is available.)
AMT+& ZSAPAdd the value held in the variable ZSAP to the amount for the current wage type being processed
AMT+E 910BAdd the current amount to the RT and place in wage type 910B
AMT+O /ZPOAdd Amt from wage type /ZPO into VORT (Summarised ORT)
AMT< /562Checks whether the currently held amount is less that that held in the wage type /562
AMT= *This sets the amount = zero for the wage type in question
AMT= /111Store the value in the amount field of wage type /111 in the amount field of wage type 2110
AMT= 1000Store the value in the amount field of wage type 1000 in the amount field of wage type 2110
AMT= BETRGLet the amount equal the value held in the BETRG (amount) field for the wage type in question
AMT= PKWWRReset the amount on wage type xxxx to that held in the value for KWWR held in T511K
AMT= PLANSSets the amount = position number
AMT=& /426Set the amt = amt held on technical WT /426
AMT=& TASAReset the amount on wage type xxxx to that held in the temporary wage type TASA
AMT=0Let the amount equal zero
AMT=A *The amount is set to the value held in the table VAG - previous employee data
AMT=E *Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the current wage type in the RT
AMT=E /167Lets the Amt = the Amt held for technical wage type /167 in the RT
AMT=KSAPLRSet the amount = the value SAPLR held in table T511k
AMT=L *Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the current wage type in the LRT - last result table
AMT=L /561Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the wage type /561 in the LRT - last result table
AMT=N /LBBAdd the amount value in technical loan wage type /LBB (loan balance) to specific loan balance wage type
AMT=N /LOPAdd the amount value in technical loan wage type /LOP (loan payment) to specific loan payment wage type
AMT=N /LRPAdd the amount value in technical loan wage type /LRP (loan repayment) to specific loan repayment wage type
AMT=Q /GPYLets the Amt = the Amt held for the wage type /561 in the OCRT - old cumulative result table
AMT=ZEROReduce the value in the amount field to zero
AMT>*"Maximum formation: The greater value of * and the current value of the AMT field is determined and written to the current AMT field."
AMT-1Multiply the amount by -1 - I think this should be subtract 1 from the amt
AMT50If the amount field value is smaller than 50, it is retained. Otherwise it is set at 50 (forming a minimum amount).
AMT-E /167Subtract the Amt value held in the RT for /167 from the currently stored amount
AMT-K43301Take the value held against payroll constant 43301 from the annual salary
AMT-O /167Subtract the Amt value held in the ORT for /167 from the currently stored amount
AMT-R 9019Amt for the current wage type less the value held in the RT for 9019 (Results wage types using exact splits)
AMTS /564Subtraction to zero - the value cannot be less than zero.
AMTS*Subtraction to 0 (not negative) for the current wage type
AMTS* 9013Subtraction to 0 (not negative). Current wage type less 9013
AMTSE 9043Subtraction to 0 (not negative). Current wage type less Amt held in the RT for wage type 9043
BTREC /558"Sets the recipient data for bank transfers. Can only be run after bank transfer data has been read from an infotype. Data on wage type and amount are transferred from the current fields (OT) and retained in the transfer table together with data on the recipient of the record last read."
CMPER 0510Compares the current amount with that held for period 10 in year 05.
DExpect a decision in this line
D AMT?0The amount field value is compared with 0, and the result (‘>’, ‘=’ or ‘<’) is placed in the variable key.
D VWTCL 01Make a decision on processing class 01
DIVID ANRDivide the amount by the number and store the result in the rate field
DIVID ARADivide the value in amount field by the value in the rate field and put the result in the amount field
DIVID ARRDivide the amount by the rate and store the answer in the rate for the wagetype
DIVID NRNDivide the number by the rate and store the answer in the number field
ELIMI *Eliminate all splits
ELIMI AEliminate splits - work center period (WPBP)
ELIMI KEliminate splits - cost accounting
ELIMI KTXEliminate the splits for cost accounting, alternative payments and variable assignment
ELIMI REliminate splits - employee sub-group grouping for PCRs
ELIMI TEliminate splits - alternative payments (ALP)
ELIMI UEliminate splits - bank transfer (BT)
ELIMI XEliminate splits - variable assignment
ELIMI YEliminate splits - absence assignment
ELIMI ZEliminate splits - time unit
ERRORProcessing terminates for the current employee
FILLF ARestore the original values for the amount - i.e. The values that were held for the amount field in the WT before any processing in this rule
FILLF NRestore the original values for the number - i.e. The values that were held for the number field in the WT before any processing in this rule
FILLF NRARestore the original values for the number, rate and amount - i.e. The values that were held for the number, rate and amount fields in the WT before any processing in this rule
FILLF RRestore the original values for the rate - i.e. The values that were held in the WT before any processing in this rule
GBVRT"GB specific processing of AWE operation GB specific operation to overwrite the average RATE of wage type /MAE in table RT in case of a retro calculation."
GCYGXALQCalls PCR XALQ for all wage types - sets wage type to ****
GEWRTElimination of WPBP split in the RT
GSXP2New Changes Across End of Year solution active for GBSXP phase 2
GSXPDCheck on Implementation Date of AVERA for SxP AWE. Called in GG70 and ensures that the old and new technical wage types for averages don't both exist.
LRTST YEvaluates the status of the LRT table. Processing is only continued if the previous month falls in the current year.
MEANV 01Calculation of averages for 01 (from table T511A)
MEANVG03Calcualation of averages for 03 (from table T511A) - not sure what the G implies
MESSGxxxxxCan use a 5 character message. Comes up whether the log is turned on or off. Can be used as a customised error message.
MODIF 1=02Sets the modifier for Wage type generation (T510S) to 02 as the employee grouping
MODIF 2=01Sets the modifier for Constant valuations (T510J) to 01 as the employee grouping
MODIF A=01Sets the modifier for the absence valuation rule (T544C) to 01
MULTI ANNMultiply the amount by the number and store as the number field for the wage type
MULTI NRAMultiply the value in number field by the value in the rate field and put the result in the amount field
NEXTRProcess the next line. Placing an * in the last column in the operation column has the same effect as "nextr". Remember to put a letter or number in the next line under the NL column.
NEXTR AContinuation line. A...Z followed by 0...9 Don't forget to put in the letter following the NEXTR in the continuation line of the next line.
NEXTR BContinuation line. A...Z followed by 0...9 Don't forget to put in the letter following the NEXTR in the continuation line of the next line.
NUM* BSGRDMultiply the value in the number field by the value held against the capacity utilization level on infotype 0008
NUM*1.5Multiply the value in the number field by 1.5
NUM/100Divide the value in the number field by 100
NUM?0Test the value in the number field against 0
NUM+ 3710Add the value in the number field of wage type 3710 to the number field in the WT being processed
NUM+& ZNILAdds the number held in the temporary variable ZNIL to the currently held value for the number
NUM+39Add a value of 39 to the number field
NUM+C 3000Add to the NUM value from wage type 3000 held in the CRT table - to the NUM value of the WT being processed
NUM+E /852Adds the number held in technical wage type /852 to the currently held value for the number
NUM+TSAP**Adds the number from the partial period parameter for the paid absence measured in working hours for xx is the sum of all paid absences (totalled over all classes)
NUM= 3000Set the current NUM to the value held in wage type 3000
NUM= ANZHLTransfers the value of the ANZHL field to the number field.
NUM= BWGRLSets the number equal to the valuation basis per hour
NUM= EMPCTNUM = Capacity utilization level from P0007 (called record layout fields in SAP Help)
NUM= PLANSSets the number equal to the position number of the employee
NUM= STDAZSets the number equal to the number of hours taken from IT 0007
NUM=& ZSHFSets the number equal to the number held in the temporary variable ZSHF
NUM=0Set the number field to zero
NUM=39Store 39 in the number field
NUM=BJRSTDSets the number equal to the position number of the employee
NUM=BTGSTDSets the number equal to the daily hours worked by the employee
NUM=BWOSTDSets the number equal to the weekly hours worked by the employee
NUM=E /SSPSet the NUM = the value of /SSP held in the results table
NUM=GSDIVPSets the number equal to the working hours for the employee for the entire payroll period
NUM=GSSOLLSet the number = planned working time measured in working hours taken from the work schedule rule
NUM=TSAU**See part period parameter help (function PARTT)
NUM=TSAX**See part period parameter help (function PARTT)
NUM=TSDIVISee part period parameter help (function PARTT)
NUM=WOSTDSee part period parameter help (function PARTT)
NUM=YCURPPSet the NUM = current payroll period (?)
NUM-51Reduce the hours held in the number field by 51
NUM-E /845Take away the number for technical wage type /845 held in the RT from the currently held number
NUM-TSDIVPCurrent value in the number field less the total working time measured in working hours taken from the total working time in payroll accounting period
OPINDEvaluates operation indicator - used immediately after a database record has been read. Multiplies by -1.
OUTWPABARTLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - payroll area
OUTWPCTYMOLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - country modifier
OUTWPPAYSBDecide which payroll accounting area the employee is in
OUTWPPERSBLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - employee sub-group
OUTWPPERSGLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - employee group
OUTWPPLANTLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - personnel area
OUTWPPLTSCLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - personnel sub-area
OUTWPSHIFTLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - shift indicator
OUTWPTRFARLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - pay scale type
OUTWPWWEEKLoad Work Center and Basic Pay Data - working week from IT 0007
PCY X05D*Runs PCR X05D for all employee subgroup groupings
PPPAR AReads part period parameters: leavers during payroll period
PPPAR BReads part period parameters: paid absences during payroll period
PPPAR EReads part period parameters: new joiners during payroll period
PPPAR FReads part period parameters: leavers on the first day of the next payroll period
PPPAR PReads part period parameters: if the time unit for the payroll area is different to the time unit for the pay scale type and area
PPPAR RReads part period parameters: is the employee is in an active work centre?
PPPAR SReads part period parameters: basic pay changes during payroll period
PPPAR UReads part period parameters: for unpaid absences in the period
PRINTPrints the IT
PRINT& WTGPrints WTG from the variable table
PRINTCPrints the contents of the CRT
PRINTEPrints the contents of the RT
PRINTLPrints out the contents of the old results table (LRT)
PRINTOPrints the summarised ORT (VORT)
REmployee work centre is inactive, therefore do nothing
R51P1?10NYou want to know if there is an entry in table T51P1 with indicator 10 for the current IT wage type. If an entry is found, processing should be continued.
R51P1=01RYou want to read the entry in table T51P1 with indicator 01 for the current IT wage type, and store it in the OT table. If an entry is found it should be rejected
R51P6A"Operation R51P6 reads an entry from table T51P6. This table determines the characteristics of the deduction wage types. The value of the arrears characteristic should be placed in the variable key."
RE510TRead Pay Scale Table - group and level
RESET *Sets the splits back up again - has the opposite effect to the ELIMI * operation.
RESET 1Resets the first national split (/SI)
RESET ARResets the amount and the rate - is the opposite of ELIMI. Reset * - resets all the split indicators. Give the meaning of all the other variables elsewhere in the document.
RESET KRResets the cost accounting and employee subgroup grouping values
RESET RResets R - is the opposite of ELIMI - resets the employee subgroup groupings for the employee
RETROChecks if the payroll run is a retroactive accounting run
ROUND Rounds off the AMT field - see SAP help for specifics
ROUND 005Rounds the AMT field up so that it is divisible by 005
ROUND +100Rounds the AMT field to the next available number
ROUNDARounds off the NUM field - see SAP help for specifics
ROUNDBRounds off the RTE field - see SAP help for specifics
ROUNDGRounds off the AMT field - see SAP help for specifics
RTE%33.33Multiply the value held in the rate by 33.33% - so effectively multiply by .3333
RTE-& HALFSubtract the value held in the constant HALF from the rate
RTE* BSGRDMultiply the value held in the rate by the capacity utilization level field on infotype 0008
RTE*-1Multiply the rate by negative 1 - effectively switch the sign for the value
RTE*100Multiply percentage held in rate field by 100
RTE*KGENAUMultiply the rate by the constant GENAU held in table T511k
RTE*KGENAUMultiply the value in the rate field by the payroll constant GENAU (10,000).
RTE/100Rate divide by 100
RTE/GKDIVIRTE/ total working time in calendar days
RTE/TADIVIRTE/ total working time in working days
RTE/TASOLLRTE/ planned working time measured in work days
RTE/TKDIVIRTE/ Total working time measured in calendar days
RTE/TSDIVIDivide the value in the rate field by the worked hours for pay period being processed.
RTE/TSDIVPRTE/ total working time measured in working hours
RTE?& VLBSCheck to see how the current rate compares against the value held in the temporary variable VLBS
RTE?0Check to see how the current rate compares against a value of zero
RTE+ 1001Adds the rate held in wage type 1001 to the currently held rate
RTE+& MMAdds the rate held in the variable MM to the currently held rate
RTE+*Adds the current rate to the IT
RTE+100.00Adds a value of 100 to the currently held rate
RTE+BBETRGAdd the amount from table to the currently held rate
RTE+TKAU10Add the unpaid absences measured in calendar days for counting class 10 from table T554C
RTE= 1001Set the rate equal to the value held in the rate field for wage type 1001
RTE= BETRGSet the rate equal to the amount
RTE= BSGRDSet the rate equal to the capacity utilization level held on infotype 0008
RTE= BWGRLSets the rate equal to the valuation basis per hour
RTE=& ABSets the rate equal to the value held in the temporary variable AB
RTE=0Set the rate field to zero
RTE=10000Store 10000 in the rate field of wage type xxxx
RTE=BBETRGSet the rate equal to the amount pulled from the table
RTE=BWOSTDSets the RTE equal to the weekly hours worked by the employee
RTE=GKSOLLSet the rate as the planned calendar days
RTE=K30551Store the value held against payroll constant 30551 in table T511 in the rate field of wage type xxxx
RTE=KGENAURTE set to the value of GENAU from table T511K (default set at 10 000)
RTE=TADIVPRTE = Total working time measured in working days
RTE=TASOLLRTE = planned working time measured in work days
RTE=TKDIVIRTE = Total working time measured in calendar days
RTE=TKSOLLStore the planned calendar days in the rate field of the wage type being processed
RTE=TSAU07RTE = unpaid absence measured in working hours for counting class 07
RTE=TSDIVPRTE = total working time measured in working hours
RTE=TSSOLLRTE = planned working time measured in working hours
RTE=ZEROReduce the value in the amount field to zero
RTE-GKAU**Rate subtract the part period unpaid absences in calendar days for all unpaid absences (totalled over all absence counting classes)
RTE-TAAU**Rate subtract the part period unpaid absences in working days for all unpaid absences (totalled over all absence counting classes)
RTE-TKAU**Take away any unpaid absence, in calendar days, from the current rate (totalled over all absence counting classes)
RTE-TKAU20Take away any unpaid absence, in calendar days, from the current rate (for absence counting class 20)
RTE-TSAU**Take away any unpaid absence, in worked hours, from the currently held rate (totalled over all absence counting classes)
COND=F IFThe condition for function IF is false
SCOND=T ALSet condition for Function LPBEG when the condition is true
SCOND=T IFThe condition for function IF is true
SCOND=T IFThe condition for function IF is true
SETIN A=01Set the work center - basic pay split for the wage type as 01
SETIN R=1Set the ESG for PCR as 1
SETIN X=NXYou want to set X with number 01 as a variable split; the number of the split is to be increased by 1 by every call.
STATU 2PStatus field 2 which is valid at the start of the in-period is entered in the variable key.
SUBRC?SETThe return code set in the second example must be evaluated.
SUBRC=0The internal return code is set to the value 0
SUBWT *Subtracts the current wage type - effectively changing the sign of the NRA.
SUBWT 1025Subtracts the current wage type (signs change) and stores it as 1025.
SUBWT&ZREGSubtracts the current wage type and stores it as a temporary variable ZREG.
SUBWTD*Subtracts the current wage type (sign change) of the NRA in the difference table (DT)
SUBWTD/551Subtracts the current wage type and stores it in the difference table (DT) as a temporary variable ZREG.
SUBWTEFlicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the RT
SUBWTE*Subtracts the current wage type (sign change) of the NRA and stores in the results table (RT)
SUBWTE/121Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the RT as technical wage type /121
SUBWTI*Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the input table (IT)
SUBWTI/101Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the input table (IT) as technical wage type /101
TABLE 503Table query on employee groupings / areas
TABLE 508ATable query on shifts / time groups
TABLE 510PTable query on premium table
TABLE 512WTable query on valuation of wage types
TABLE 528BTable query on positions table in PA
TABLEALPTable query on the Alternative Payments table
TABLEP0014Table query on data held in infotype 0014 - recurring payments and deductions
TABLEP0015Table query on data held in infotype 0015 - additional payments
VAKEYALZNRPlace in the variable key - Y/N alternative payment
VAKEYAUFKZPlace in the variable key - extra pay indicator for overtime
VAKEYBNKSAPlace in the variable key - variable keys are held in a certain table
VAKEYBNKSAPlace in the variable key - type of bank details P0009
VAKEYLGARTStore in the variable key the wage type
VAKEYLNCLSPlace in the variable key - loan type
VAKEYLNTPYPlace in the variable key - loan type P0045
VAKEYLNTYPPlace in the variable key - loan type P0045
VAKEYPAYTYPlace in the variable key - payroll type
VAKEYPRAKNPlace in the variable key - premium indicator time ITs
VAKEYTGRLEPlace in the variable key - variable key is filled out based on the values in the TRFGR and TRFST fields from the current PZ record
VAKEYVERSLPlace in the variable key - clearing key for overtime
VAKEYZEINHPlace in the variable key - time unit
VAKEYZLSCHPlace in the variable key - payment key for bank transfers
VALBS?The system checks to see whether a valuation base exists
VALBS?0The system checks if a valuation basis is for the current wage type in table T512W. (That the "0" line of view V_T512_B is read).
VALBS0The current wage type is evaluated with the valuation basis that is entered for the current wage type itself. (That is, the "0" line of view V_512W_B).
VALBS0 *The system multiplies an entry that already exists in the RTE field for the current wage type with the percentage rate from a line 0 of view V_512W and then replaces the wage type names of the current wage type with the name of the wage type from the same line in V_512W.
VALBS0 BSame as VALBS0 * with the exception that the data from infotype 2010 is used.
VALBS1Replaces the current wage type with the statement wage type that is entered in table T512W for the second wage type derived from the current wage type, and then you want to valuate this using the corresponding valuation basis.
VALEN 2Sets the length of the variable key to 2
VALEN 3Sets the length of the variable key to 3
VAOFF 2Variable offset - set here to 2. The system with then ignores the first 2 digits.
VARGBINDBWPlace the table field "indicator for indirect valuation" in the variable key
VARGBPRAKNPlace the table field "premium number" in the variable key
VARGBTRFKZPlace the table field "ES grouping for collective agreement provision" in the variable key
VWTCL 64Interrogate processing class 64
WGTYP?Usually part of a decision - where the wage type is queried
WGTYP=*Passes through the wage type as unchanged
WPALL?LASTDecide if employee has had a pay change in pay period and if the one being processed is the last
WPBPCOperation WPBPC distributes the amount of the current wage type to the active WPBP periods in the payroll period.
WPBPCWThis operation splits the amounts but does not distribute them to the different periods
ZExpect to call another PCR in this line
ZERO= ANSets the AMT and NUM to zero
ZERO= RNASet the values for the rate, number and amount equal to zero
ZERO=& ABCDInitialises the variable ABCD
ZERO=NRASets the NUM RTE and AMT to zero

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