Thursday, January 19, 2012

SAP HR - Time management - Definitions

Day type

An indicator that a certain calendar day is payment-relevant, that is, an employee is paid for working that day.

Work schedule

The work schedule defines working time models such as shifts, continuous working times, or flextime for scheduling working time provisions for workforce or work processes

Daily Work Schedules

The daily work schedule represents the actual working time for a particular employee on a given day. It can differ from the employee's agreed daily working time stipulated in the work contract or collective agreement.

Core time

If employees work flextime, the core time defines the period during which they must be at work each day.

Planned working time

The planned working time specifies when the employee should start and finish work.

Tolerance time

Daily work schedule tolerances define the period within which a clock-in or clock-out entry is rounded up or down. They prevent the system from interpreting clock-in/-out times which are shortly before/after the start or end of planned working time as overtime or working time violations.
Times are rounded in the personnel calculation schema of RPTIME00 using function DPTOL.

Daily Work Schedule Class

The daily work schedule class is a feature used to define daily work schedules. You use it to create evaluation criteria for a daily work schedule. According to the evaluation criteria, daily work schedules can be used in differen ways in time wage type selection, attendance and absence counts, or in time evaluation.
The working times defined in a daily work schedule are not influenced by the assignment of a daily work schedule class. As a result, the daily work schedule class respresents an additional evaluation of a daily work schedule.
Daily work schedule classes can be identified by any number between 0 and 9.

Time quota

A time interval during which employees can be at work or absent, under certain conditions.

Absence quota

An employee's entitlement to absence.
The quota has a limited validity period and is reduced each time an absence of this type is recorded.

Time type

A grouping of personnel times determined during time evaluation.

Work break schedule

A break schedule includes as many breaks during an employee's planned working time as you require, and up to four breaks during overtime.
Fixed, dynamic, and variable breaks can be defined in the break schedule. By assigning the break schedule to a work schedule, you specify the breaks for a given workday.

Dynamic breaks

Dynamic breaks are breaks for which no start/end time is specified in the break schedule. Instead, a number of hours is stipulated in the After hrs. field. The employee can take a break after completing this number of hours

Period work schedule

A period work schedule is made up of a sequence of daily work schedules over a defined period.
Period work schedules can extend over one week, several weeks, or a period that is not divisible by seven.

Selection Rules

rules according to the public holiday class to specify which day types should be assigned to public holidays on weekdays and public holidays on weekends.

Planned Working Time

The Planned Working Time infotype (0007) allows you to enter a work schedule to define individual working times for employees.


Substitutions. Substitutions are planned exceptions to an employee's work schedule for a defined period of time. Substitutions are treated as planned specifications in time evaluation.
An employee substitutes for his/her foreman on a particular day; another employee works a different shift for three days and receives different payment on these days.

Time constraint class

A rule that determines whether collisions in time data are allowed, and if so, specifies how the system reacts to such collisions.
Time contraints comprise the following:
  • Time constraint classes that determine which collisions in time data records are allowed
  • Time constraint table that contains the time-based collisions allowed in the time data records
  • Time constraint indicator that displays whether a new data record that collides with an existing time data record can be transferred to the system or whether the transfer is prohibited


Absences are paid or unpaid planned working times during which the employee has not worked. They therefore represent an deviation to the employee's work schedule.

Counting Rules

rules for counting attendances and absences. The rules are used to determine the payroll days and hours for an attendance or absence. The payroll days and hours that have been counted are used to control the deduction of quotas. They can be used in Payroll to valuate the absence.
A counting rule can comprise several individual sub-rules. The sub-rules are numbered sequentially. The system runs through the individual sub-rules until it finds a rule that applies.

Rounding rule

Specifies how values determined by the system should be rounded.
You can use rounding rules in absence counting or in automatic absence quota accrual.

Plant Data Collection (PDC)

Plant Data Collection (PDC) is the collection and display of operational plant data and any related information on its processing, preparation, evaluation, and transfer. This information is used to accumulate required data on machine use, order status, quality, and so on.

Time Evaluation

Time evaluation evaluates the attendance and absence times that have been recorded for or by your employees. The system uses the results of time evaluation to form time balances and time wage types, and to update attendance and absence quotas.
There are three potential evaluation scenarios, depending on the type of data recorded:
    1. Only exceptions to the work schedule such as leave or sickness are recorded. In this case, time data is usually evaluated in payroll.
    2. All attendance times are recorded electronically at a front-end time recording system, not just exceptions to the work schedule. The time data is then uploaded to the SAP system to be evaluated.
    3. As in point 2), all attendance times are recorded, but manually in the Attendances infotype (2002). You should use this method if cost distribution data is to be recorded along with the attendance.
Time wage type
A time wage type is a remuneration specification for bonuses, such as overtime or nighttime bonus, as well as for employees paid by the hour.
These primary wage types are selected in time evaluation or when processing time data in payroll accounting. They are used in payroll accounting to determine gross pay.

Time Manager's Workplace
The Time Manager's Workplace (TMW) is a user-friendly interface developed for recording and maintaining enterprise time data. This new interface can be individually customized to meet your business requirements. Two TMW scenarios, Time Data and Message Processing, are included in the standard SAP System. Time administrators can easily toggle between the two scenarios (when assigned to them) to complete their daily tasks, without leaving the application.

Time event

The time postings stored in the SAP system (such as clock-in and clock-out or start and end of working time) that employees enter at a time recording terminal.

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