Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Interview Questions Set 1 - ABAP Basics

S.No Qns
1 difference between pooled tables and cluster tables
2 what is cardinality?
3 what is value table?
4 why do we use start of selection event?
5 all the events are globally declared. Only 2 events are locally declared what are those events?
6 move and move corresponding , which is efficient one?
7 diff b/w select-options and ranges?
8 where we use chain and endchain?
9 How will you change transparent tables into pooled/cluster tables?
10 difference b/w function module and subroutines?
11 can we reuse append structures in ddic?
12 what is data class?
13 what is delivery class?
14 what is secondary indexes?
15 what are the types of views?
16 which type joins are used in views?
17 what is message class?
18 types of reports?
19 how can we delete duplicate entries in itab?
20 what is deferred keyword?
21 can we define nested classes?
22 what are screen painter and manu painter? Transaction code?
23 what is the fn of suppress dialogue in screen painter?
24 what is table control and tabstrip control?
25 what are all control break events?
26 what are the tyes of table buffers?
27 when do we use set screen statement?
28 what is the fn of at selection screen on end of?
29 Can we create nested interfaces?
30 difference b/w stop and exit?
31 types of structures?
32 how will you call selection screen?
33 what is select option no extension and no intervals?
34 how many detailed lists can be created?
35 difference between single and overview screens in tmg?
36 what is diff b/w normal screen and subscreen?
37 the ways to include search helps in tables?
38 what are data objects and data types?
39 how much memory space allocated when we give occurs 0?
40 what is procedures in modularization techniques?
41 how will you get the number of entries in itab?
42 what will happen once we include tables with tables keyword?
43 what is the use of tcode se14 & se54.
44 what is diff b/w pass by value pass by ref?
45 what are diff options which we have in in se37(fn modules)?
46 how will you create view clusters?
47 is the basic list is deleted when the new list is created?
48 what is fn of hide statement?
49 types of locks in DDIC?
50 what is te naming convension used for variables and internal tables inside the type group?

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