Friday, March 16, 2012

RHINTE30 - Standard report for Transfer org. assignment in batch input folder for infotype 0001


Short text

Transfer org. assignment in batch input folder for infotype 0001


This report creates a batch input session for specified personnel numbers. The session updates infotype 0001 "Organizational Assignment" (PA) for the persons concerned.
The organizational assignment which was created by previous actions in Personnel Planning and Development is transferred to infotype 0001.
You can find further information about integration and about using this report in Customizing in the description of the activity Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration and in the documentation of the form pool SAPFHPIN.
We recommend that you start the report in test mode initially.


In order to start the report, integration between Personnel Planning and Development (PD) and Personnel Administration (PD) must be activated.
In addition to this, a check of all personnel numbers is carried out to see whether they meet the integration conditions laid down in the feature PLOGI.


Parameter "Personnel numbers"

Enter the personnel numbers or a range of personnel numbers for which you want to update infotype 0001.
When the report is executed, a batch input session is created for personnel numbers that are related with positions in Personnel Planning and Development and that were changed.
No input is interpreted as "All personnel numbers".

Parameter "Only open personnel numbers"

In this case, of the personnel numbers specified only those that are also stored in table 'HRINTE30" are edited.
This table contains personnel numbers if you selected the setting BTCI (=PA update per batch) when you maintained the basic settings for integration with Personnel Administration in PLOGI PRELU (Integration: PA-Update Online or Batch). In this case, changes to personnel numbers are not recorded immediately in PA, but are collected in the table HRINTE30.
You can find further information on the interdependencies of the settings in the entry PLOGI PRELU and this report in the documentation of the formpool SAPFHPIN.

Parameter "Start date"

Enter the date as of when the changes to infotype 0001 records are effective.
Please note the following points regarding the start date of the infotype record update and the validity period of the record from the Personnel Planning perspective.
Case 1:
Start and end date of the validity period are after the date entered. In this case, a record is created in PA with the same validity period. There are no changes made on the Personnel Planning side.
Case 2:
The start date of the validity period lies before the start date entered, and the end date is after it.
In this case, a record is created in PA with a start date the same as the start date entered. The end date of the record is taken over.
On the PD side, the original record is split at the start date entered.
Case 3:
Both the start and end date of the validity period are before the start date entered.
In this case, no editing is carried out by the report.

Parameter "TEST"

Before you start program RHINTE30, you should ensure that your PD authorization profile allows you to change the position - person relationships concerned. You can check this by doing a test run for program RHINTE30. Should it turn out that you have authorization for
none of the personnel numbers, an empty batch input session would run. You can prevent this happening by doing a test run.

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